The April 2017 Monthly Horoscope … OMG So Accurate!

Theme of the Month:

Action is creation, and creation is Love, and Love is the way of the Universe.

Aries (March 20-April 20, 2017), it is important that we are conscious of our actions, both individually and collectively. As Newton’s Third Law states, “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”. Therefore, we need to be aware that the actions we choose to take will have results that match not only our deeds, but the intentions behind our deeds.


Aries, tune in to your intuition on the 1st. If it’s saying ‘stop right where you are,’ then stop, right where you are. If it’s saying, ‘whoah there, pardner,’ then hold the heck up! After all, your intuition is pretty smart. And it is definitely on your side!
The 2017 Aries monthly horoscope predicts that by the super-enthused 2nd and 3rd, that old intuition is going to be saying ‘go, go, go!’ Full steam ahead is the approach to take — to everything — right now. The 9th, 10th and 11th are good days for spring cleaning. Dust those hard-to-reach corners, shake out those old blankets, iron and the tablecloths. You’ll feel great when you’re done!
Aries, charm your way out of a sticky situation (or into a great one!) on the 16th and 17th. You can do anything you set your charming mind to! Get your toes planted and your heels set firm and the arches of your feet as low to the ground as possible on the 22nd and 23rd. After all, the more grounded you are, the more successful you’ll be right now. Get ready to rock on the 29th and 30th. This is your time, and you should be sure to enjoy every moment! 
Love Horoscope & Relationships Forecasts for Aries People
You know on the 1st. You know what you want. You know what you need. You know who you are really, really into. You know who you aren’t all that into. And if you know all this already, why aren’t you acting on it? That’s a question you should occupy yourself with, and right away.
The Aries astrology forecasts for April 2017 show that by the full-steam-ahead 2nd and 3rd, it looks like you’re finally listening to your inner wisdom, and making eyes at that object of your affection. You need to toss out old, no-longer-useful emotional crutches on the 9th, 10th and 11th. It’s springtime!
Aries, charm is the best way to get what you want (and that date with the person you want!) on the 16th and 17th. So turn it on! What’s the best way to figure out if you’re heading in the right direction, romantically? Think it over! Particularly on the 22nd and 23rd, when you’re in a good place to consider everything under the sun (including that cutie pie). A great date is in the works on the 29th and 30th. Enjoy this springtime feeling! Everything is just as possible as it feels.
Career Forecast for Aries People
So, you know what you want from your career, right Aries? Lots of success, rewards, lots of positive reinforcement? Or is it a sense of giving back, feeling like you’re making a difference? Or is it something more along the lines of ‘money, money, money’? Whatever it is that you want, use your impressive intuition to get it on the 1st. The Aries 2017 April monthly predictions suggest that your instincts are right on, and won’t lead you astray.
What? You? Spring cleaning? Yep, if you want your success to be optimal in the coming months, you’ll do some serious spring cleaning on the 9th, 10th and 11th. Even (or especially) if you hate cleaning, now’s the time to do it. Dump the old junk in your supply closet, tidy up your desktop, reorganize the files.
The April 2017 Aries horoscope predicts that sweet-talk your way out of a problematic situation on the 16th and 17th. You’re really good at that, after all. Get in touch with your physical self through some serious working out, and your career ideas will get better and better on the 22nd and 23rd. Sweating can sharpen your brain! Your work ideas rock on the 29th and 30th.


Taurus, if you’re feeling a little low on the 1st, get out your phone. Call up your friends. Talk to them. They’ll cheer you up in no time! After all, that’s what friends are for, and yours really, really like you.
The April 2017 monthly horoscope for Taurus predicts that your mood is a whole lot more buoyant by the creative (and romantic!) 4th and 5th. Be sure to pay attention to all the great opportunities coming your way on these days. Then be sure to have a really great time!
The importance of communication cannot be over-emphasized on the 10th and 11th. So talk, talk, talk it over. Tell them where you’re coming from, and where you’d like to go. Just do it, Taurus. You could be shocked at how well it all turns out!
When it comes to finally getting in shape, there is no time like the present. Particularly on the 16th and 17th. So jump into spring with both feet. And sign up for that diving class at the local Y, already! You finally understand something that had been eluding you on the 22nd. Your best buds are your best resource, again, on the 27th. So turn to them for advice. End the month with a concerted effort to go slow on the 30th.
Love & Relationships Forecasts for Taurus People
Taurus, don’t let all those chirping birds and blossoming flowers and whispering breezes make you feel a little blue about the state of your romantic life on the 1st. Focus on the positive! And soon you’ll see that this is indeed the most romantic time of the year. If you’re still having trouble seeing it, call up a friend and ask them to remind you. They’ll tell you just how gorgeous you are and how much you have to look forward to!
The 2017 April monthly forecasts for the Bull predict that there is oh-so-much romance on the way on the 4th and 5th. It’s in the air, in your in-box and on the phone. Ah! Suddenly springtime seems super, again!
Communication is the key to your heart on the 10th and 11th of April2017. So talk about it! How’s your heart’s health on the 16th and 17th? No, silly, not your metaphorical heart health. Your literal heart’s health! How’s your blood pressure, Taurus? Check, then get exercising. You understand where they’re coming from on the 22nd. Your friends love you, too, on the 27th. Slow everything down and you’ll have more time to enjoy it on the 30th. And enjoying romance is crucial!
Career Forecast for Taurus People
Taurus, don’t fret if you’re having a low-energy moment at work on the 1st. Everybody has them, and all they mean is that you might want to try getting a little more sleep. It’s totally natural to need to recharge, even if you absolutely love your job! If you can, leave work a little early and go to the movies (if it’s raining) or for a long walk (if the weather’s nice).
The April 2017 Taurus horoscope forecasts that you’ll be feeling much, much more energetic and creative on the 4th and 5th. You truly excel at communication, and that’s where you need to funnel your energies on the 10th and 11th. Have you been working so hard you’ve been neglecting your workouts? 
And how do you think you’re going to able to maintain the excellent work you’ve been doing if you neglect your health? It’s time to really make a change on the 16th and 17th. Get to the gym as fast as possible! And stay there until you are totally tuckered out.
A riddle at work is child’s play for you to unravel on the 22nd. Regale your friends with stories about your boss on the 27th. Slow down and take a long look at where you’re heading on the 30th.



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