These Are The Things You Should Never Do After Eating

Many of us tend to lie down or just chill after eating or having a dinner or lunch. But doing this habit can have a negative effect in our health.
Here’s the 5 things you should never do after eating:
*If you go to bed after eating, chances are you will experience bloating and discomfort because this will cause  your stomach to burn during the night.
According to a study, people who tend to wait for a longer period of time to go to bed after having a meal had less risk of experiencing a stroke. So do not eat at least a few hours before going to bed.
*Wait a couple of hours after having meal if you want to smoke. Smoking immediately after having a meal is almost the same to smoking 10 cigarettes at once. This can put you at higher risk of developing a bowel and lung cancer.

*We should consume fruit before a meal, on an empty stomach according to experts. This is due to the fact that fruits require different enzymes in order to digest. you can get the maximum benefits of all the nutrients, fiber, and other sugar by consuming the fruit when your stomach is empty while eating fruit after a meal can cause burping, indigestion, and heartburn.
*Having a shower right after having a meal can increase the blood flow in the hands and legs, which in turn reduces the blood flow in the stomach. This will weaken your digestive system and cause stomach pain.
*Do not drink tea right after having a dinner because it can interfere with the iron absorption. The tea has a tannic acid in its content which can bind with protein and iron in our food. Many studies proved that in most cases this lead to 87{a13417a3e1657ed105063b09e27c39385615c60b7034d2626f000e9c2ed70e3e} decrease in absorption of iron. Deficiency of iron can cause anemia, thus causing poor appetite, cold feet and hands, weakness, dizziness, extreme fatigue, and pale skin.

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