Excessive alcohol consumption negatively affects the body and mind and has a big impact on all organs of the body, especially the brain and liver.

Alcohol – including beer, wine, and liquor – is a central nervous system depressant.
Nonetheless, the consumption of one beer every day can be beneficial for health. Beer is rich in vitamin B and protein than wine and has the equal amount of antioxidants with wine.
Beer is high in flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants, as well as minerals that are crucial for various metabolic processes. If consumed moderately, beer can boost health in several ways.
These are 10 Good Reasons Why You Should Drink “ONE” Beer a day:

Beer can lower bad cholesterol, as it contains fiber that effectively reduces LDL cholesterol levels.
Beer is also effective in preventing blood clots! Namely, according to experts, the ingredients present in beer help prevent the formation of blood clots.
Beer supports the health of your kidneys, and a bottle of this drink daily lowers the risk of developing kidney stones by 40{a13417a3e1657ed105063b09e27c39385615c60b7034d2626f000e9c2ed70e3e}.

Beer consumption leads to stronger bones. It makes the bones denser and increases the silicon levels in the bones.
Beer boosts the vitamin B levels, as it is a rich source of several B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, and B12). Experts also claim that people who drink beer have 30 percent higher levels of vitamin B6 than their non-drinking counterparts, and double the levels of wine drinkers. Beer is also high in vitamin B12.
Beer will reduce your risk of a heart attack – significantly! According to the experts, beer drinkers have a 40 to 60 percent reduced risk of suffering a heart attack compared with non-beer drinkers.
Beer contains lactoflavin and nicotinic acid, compounds that promote sleep and may cure your insomnia.
Beer will boost your memory, too! According to a recent study, beer drinkers are less likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease and dementia than people who don’t drink beer.
Beer will make skin healthy, look more youthful and beautiful! Certain vitamins in it can regenerate the skin and have a positive impact on pigmentation. Your skin automatically becomes smoother and suppler!
Beer helps you fight stress. The findings of a study conducted at the University of Montreal showed that the consumption of two glasses of beer per day can reduce work-related stress or anxiety.

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