Why Some People Have This Tiny Hole In Their Ears? This Is Actually What It Means!

Some individuals have different body features that make them stand out from the rest. These characteristics make every person different in their own way and one feature people are interested in finding more about is the tiny little hole found on some individual’s ears.
The hole is called an ‘ear pit’ which is usually caused by congenital malformation. This is often identified by specialists as a small birth defect. Interestingly, these holes are said to come from our ancestors who are believed to be underwater dwellers, supposedly possessing fish gills.

These are generally found at the external ear part and is hereditary, which means you are more likely to have this feature in your body when your parents and grandparents have one.
Sometimes these ear pit appear on one side of the body or both. Statistics reveal that ear pits are found in 10{b5442c3e3e6a32b79acfb18e4ea76a61324e49fe7d16a1019e702a8ee5c82a8d} of African regions and approximately 2.5{b5442c3e3e6a32b79acfb18e4ea76a61324e49fe7d16a1019e702a8ee5c82a8d} of Taiwanese people.

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