Men’s skin has a slight difference from that of women. Men’s skin, for example, is 30{b5442c3e3e6a32b79acfb18e4ea76a61324e49fe7d16a1019e702a8ee5c82a8d} thicker than that of women. This, therefore, makes men age later than the women but when the aging occurs, it’s abrupt and the wrinkles appear deeper. 
Men’s skin is more resistant and stronger because it contains more collagen, but also more oil, and its pilous system is more superior. In men, the oil glands are double the number of oil glands in women’s skin and they secrete 5 times more than in women.
Daily shaving
One of the major issues affecting men’s skin is actually a result of daily shaving, because that way the skin is maltreated and that leads to high dehydration through the repeated aggression. This results with red bumps that can have very small dots of pus on the top
However, this can be treated using skin care recipes which include soaking the affected area in a tub containing diluted white vinegar or much diluted Clorox bleach in a tub full of water.
Shaving is aggressive and it makes the skin dehydrated. It also causes bumps that have small dots of pus on the tip. Thankfully you can get rid of them by having a bath and adding diluted white vinegar or diluted Clorox bleach.
Razor burn
Razor burns occur during shaving and it is usually a result of lack of lubrication. It also happens mostly to men who shave very often. When this happens, you should use a cold compress to sooth the skin and cool the burning sensation, or you can wrap ice cubes in a thin towel and then hold it onto the area affected.

Men, just like women, can often have sunburns. These appear reddish but not blistered. There are many natural remedies for sunburns, but the simplest and harmless treatment is to bathe the face in buttermilk.
Rosacea is a skin condition that causes redness and red bumps with pus or cysts. You can treat it by washing your face with diluted white vinegar or green tea.
Stretch marks
Guys may also cope with stretch marks, typically in the region of the armpits and the flanks. These are in fact scars but under the skin. It’s possible for you to do away with them in several ways, by using white eggs, castor oil, Aloe Vera and so on.
Groin rash
This is a skin ailment that makes the skin around the groin become itchy and red. You can treat this in home conditions by using apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has the ability to lower the itchiness and the redness.
Athlete’s foot
This condition is caused due to fungi and it causes redness, skin peeling and itchines. It’s uncomfortable and transmittable but it can be cured. Just soak your feet in tea of four ounces of oregano leaves.
This is a skin condition that usually lasts for a longer period. It can be treated in a natural way by tea tree oil, green tea extract, alpha hydroxyl acid and Aloe Vera, since these ingredients are all great for reducing inflammations and breakouts.
Men, just like women, face some skin problems, but those problems can be cured naturally. Men just need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, which means maintaining their skin healthy too.


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