Warning People!!!! Stop Kissing Everyone You Say Hello To…New HPV Virus Erupts And It Kills Faster Than HIV/AIDS!!

New human papilloma virus [HPV] is an infectious viral disease that cause mouth cancer and is transferred through infected body fluids.
The symptoms include sore throat, severe headache, high fever, vomiting and abdominal pains.
Reports about a new type of HPV that can be spread through kissing first appeared at Nation Newspaper, an infotainment website based in Nairobi that appears to publish reader-submitted articles. 
The story, which appeared under the headline “Warning!!! Don’t Go About Kissing Everyone; New HPV Virus That Kills Faster Than HIV/AIDS Erupts” begins:
Students from Kisii University, Kenya and the general public at large have been warned against kissing carelessly due to an outbreak of Human papilloma virus, which has seen several people admitted at Kisii level 5 hospital after testing positive to the disease.

Kissing disease also known as infectious mononucleosis is common among persons between the ages of 15 and 24 years. The term refers to the fact that people afflicted with this condition have an increase number of mononuclear leukocytes in their blood. It is caused by the Epstein-Bar (EB) Virus named after its founders, M.A. Epstein and Y.M. Barr.
The HPV is gradually circulating Kenya and slowly making its way into the Southern parts of Africa and will soon hit Africa at large.
Africans are believed to travel a lot to all parts of the world. So if proper awareness is not created, this is likely to hit the entire world in no distance time.
There’s no medical or scientific evidence to back up claims that a new form of Human Papillomavirus Virus (HPV) can be spread by kissing and kills people faster than AIDS, however, you are hereby advised to warn and inform family members and friends.

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