The usual way to check if you have any vitamin deficiency is doing a number of blood tests which can be quite expensive. They reveal if you have insufficient amounts of any nutrient as well as how low you are on them. There’s an easier way to discover if you have any vitamin deficiency, and it’s totally free.
Your face can say a lot more than you think. Pay closer attention to it and see if there are any of the following signs that indicate a specific vitamin deficiency.
Pale Complexion
If your face gets paler day by day, it might indicate you have deficiency in vitamin B12. You might want to check your tongue to see if it’s completely smooth, which is another symptom of being deficient in this vitamin. Other signs include memory problems and fatigue.
How to improve – Consume more grass-fed meats, wild-caught fish, and organic poultry.
Bad Hair
If your hair has seen many bad days being dry, brittle, and full of dandruff, you might have a deficiency in Vitamin B7 (biotin). Usually, people develop it when taking a lot of antibiotics which destroy the intestinal bacteria that synthesize biotin.
How to improve – consume more biotin-rich foods like mushrooms, egg yolks, and cauliflower.

Puffy Eyes
Puffy eyes and bloated legs can be an indications of iodine deficiency. Other symptoms that you have a lack of this nutrient are dry skin, weight gain, and brittle nails.

How to improve – if your diet consists mostly of low-salt foods, it’s time to change it. The main source of iodine for most people is table salt, but you should know that you can also include seaweed, sea vegetables, and saltwater fish to improve your iodine levels.
Pale Lips
Pale lips and gums can mean you have an iron deficiency. These symptoms are more noticeable in women than men. You will notice your body tries to get the necessary iron by feeling like eating ice, clay, or dirt.

How to improve – eat more spinach, dried beans, red meat, as well as fish.
Tender or Bleeding Gum
Bleeding and aching gums accompanied by teeth which are not in good shape are indications of vitamin C deficiency. This vitamin is one of the most important nutrients, so insufficient amounts of it can cause serious health issues, including muscle ache and even scurvy – a disease which if not treated on time can make all of your teeth fall out.

How to improve – consume plenty of vitamin C-rich foods like citrus fruits, berries, cantaloupe, mango, kiwi, papaya, red peppers, and watermelon.

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