Palworld servers buckle under the biggest Steam launch of 2024 so far, devs suggest "attempting to connect 2-3 times or waiting after launching the game"

Palworld's developer knows it's game servers are unstable right now, but it's actively working on a fix.

'Pokemon with guns' finally launched yesterday, January 18, and it seems to have been a smash-hit so far, accruing well over 200,000 concurrent players on Steam in under 24 hours. However, it seems the influx of new players has caused some server instability.

The developer acknowledges as much in the tweet just below, while it thanks players for all their time spent in the game so far. It turns out Palworld's servers have been taking a battering because of the sheer number of players trying to get into the game, but a fix is coming "ASAP."

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If you encounter server instability, and can't get access to Palworld, the developer recommends trying two-to-three times before ultimately calling it off. This has seemingly worked for some players, although I can't imagine this approach has helped with the server capacity with the onslaught of players.

Additionally, you could just wait after launching Palworld, as the developer writes above. The developer didn't write how long players should wait before ducking out, though, so I can't see players hanging around for all that long.

In another tweet earlier today, the Palworld dev announced it'd come up with a fix for the game being "dark and unplayable." Not, that's not relating to the subject material, where you can gun down Pokemon-like creatures and use them as bullet sponges, but just the game itself. 

Head over to our Palworld character creation guide if you're looking for some help very early on into the new MMO.

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