The biggest Baldur's Gate 3 hoarder I've ever seen has literally papered the walls of a tavern with loot: "What can I say... I like stuff"

If you thought you were bad at hoarding stuff in RPGs, wait until you get a load of this Baldur's Gate 3 player.

Late on in Act 3 of Baldur's Gate 3, you can rent a room at the Elfsong Tavern, where you'll automatically head to to camp while in the titular city. One player took the terms of their rent pretty liberally, and has plastered the walls of their room with so much loot that you can barely see the room itself.

What can I say ... I like stuff. from r/BaldursGate3

In fact, there's so much loot in the screenshots above that they've literally created new walls within the tavern's room. Yes, this screenshot is taken from the middle of the open room, so there aren't actually walls either side of where Karlach stood - the player has created their own walls from loot.

There's absolutely everything strewn about the place, from poo scrapers all the way to grand portraits (which I'm fairly sure are nicked from Raphael). There's an utter deluge of chests, a few teddy bears (which Karlach would love), Orin's Netherstone, and only the Helm of Balduran himself.

Oh, and there's a Grilled Giant Miniature Space Hamster. Has Boo just been cooked alive? And if so, what the hell happened to Minsc? Gortash's hand is also there for good measure, if you were wondering which route this player took through Act 3. As some viewers pointed out, this isn't the House of Hope, this is the House of Hoard! 

I haven't got a clue how this player managed to stack all these items so neatly around poor old Karlach - paintings are tricky enough to maneuver at the best of times. Karlach escaped from one layer of hell, only to be trapped in a very different hell with a hoarder.

Speaking of, you can check out our best Baldur's Gate 3 Barbarian build guide if you're wondering how to get the most out of our favorite Tiefling's base class. 

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