Do Not Check Your SmartPhone At Night. Here’s WHY

Smartphone is one of the most significant inventions of the 21st century. It has several good reasons. They have changed the way we live our lives in several ways.
Unfortunately, it has also negative effects. Aside from it can trigger health conditions from addiction to depression to chronic pain and the latest health consequence is temporary blindness.
Two women in England were diagnosed with blindness induced by too much smartphone usage especially at night. Both of them described that they were having vision difficulties in one eye though the occurrence is temporary. were having vision difficulties in one eye though the occurrence is temporary.
Before they went to sleep, they would check their phones.
They’d do the same thing again right after waking up. They would lie on one side
and one eye is covered with a pillow or closed, while the other is open to look at their phone.
After this particular mode of checking, both women would experience temporary vision loss in their right eye, which is the eye they used to view their phone. At first, the vision loss would only occur two to three times weekly. But to their horror, it became a daily event. When the women talked about this to the eye specialist in London, he and his colleagues theorized that the blindness is caused by uneven light adjustment that occurs between the phone eye and the pillow eye.

Source: stethnews

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