5 Habits Easy To Stop To Reduce Belly Fat In An Instant!!!

These are the 5 most common mistakes we all make in everyday life and eliminating them will pretty soon result in eliminating the excess fat around your waist, so try to follow our advices and you’ll soon get the body you want.
You’re eating too fast
Eating too fast causes swallow gas that is actually air in the digestive tract causing the belly increase. Besides getting belly fat you may also harm your body because the digestion is slower as well.
Stephanie Middleberg, a nutritionist from New York says that fast eating is one of the worst habits a lot of people have. She says that when you eat fast you don’t chew your food properly and this leads to bigger pieces of food ending up in the gut and waiting to be processed. It also doesn’t give you a clear idea of how much you’ve eaten, often leading to overeating.
Once you sit down to eat, take your time, don’t rush it – you’ll be doing your body a favor in slowing down.
You’re drinking too much soft drinks – Soda addiction
Soda drinks are refreshing and tasty and many people love drinking these beverages. But Middleberg claims that those tiny bubbles are responsible for your big and bloated stomach. Even the diet sodas have the same effect, actually they are even worst. They contain artificial sweeteners which cannot be digested properly so they cause stomach bloating.
If you’re a soda addict you need to eliminate it from your diet entirely or at least reduce its intake significantly. You can also add a few ice cubes and wait for a few minutes before consuming the drink, it will dilute its effects and it may reduce the swelling.

You’re eating too much processed foods
All types of processed foods are packed with sodium which is damaging for both your waistline and your overall health. The manufacturers uses sodium to preserve their products and improve their flavor. This is especially true when it comes to chips. The cereals, soups and salad dressings contain great amounts of sodium as well.
Every health worker will tell you to eliminate chips and other processed food from your diet and focus more on fresh fruits, veggies and healthy grains which have naturally lower sodium content.
You’re eating dinner too late
If your dinner is almost always an hour or two before bedtime then it’s no surprise you’re belly fat is slowly increasing. When you eat this close to bedtime your body doesn’t have the time to process the food entirely because once you fall asleep your metabolism slows down and all that fat and calories just get accumulated and stored away.
The spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Alyssa Rumsey, says that while you’re sleeping your body can’t process food fast because your body is in rest mode and you’re low on energy.
It’ always best to eat dinner at least three or four hours before bedtime or take a piece of fruit or yogurt after your meal to aid digestion and speed up processing. It’s always better to eat a large breakfast than dinner, remember this!
You’re allergic to some type of food
If you’re lactose or gluten intolerant it could be the reason behind your bloated stomach because people who have a food allergy can’t digest gluten or lactose for example and usually end up with a bloated belly.
If you suspect you’re allergic or intolerant of some type of food you need to take a test and consult with your doctor. Once you know for sure it’s easy enough to avoid the source of allergy.
Source: mrhealthylife

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