20 Signs Your Body Is Too Acidic and 10 Ways To Quickly Alkalize It

Every organ in the body is affected by level of acidity. The liver, lungs, kidneys, bones, brain, heart, stomach, intestines and skin. Bottom line – if your body is too acidic, then you’re not going to be feeling that great.
When our bodies enter a state of acidosis, it becomes the perfect breeding ground where illness and disease can easily manifest. A body that maintains its alkaline set-point will have less chronic inflammation – one of the number one causes of pretty much any disease.
After a lifetime of consuming a Basic American Diet (SAD), the body remains in a constant state of acidity. When the body is in a chronic acidic state, precious minerals are removed from vital organs and bones to neutralize the acid and remove it from the body. 
This is why we are seeing an up-rise in osteoporosis – your bones are literally being leached of the precious minerals needed to protect them (like calcium, sodium, magnesium, and potassium). Once these mineral reserves are completely depleted, there are no more reserves to draw upon, and the body just continues to run more and more acidic – and this is when major disease (like cancer) starts to show up.
Most grains, dairy products, soy, and meats are acidic. Coffee, alcohol, highly processed foods, refined sugar, sugar replacements and GMO oils (and GMO food altogether) are also highly acidic. When we eat (anything for that matter), acidic waste products are generated from the metabolism of these foods. These waste products must be neutralized or excreted – and so this is where alkaline foods come in. They literally neutralize the acids of an unhealthy diet.
Here are 20 signs that your body is too acidic:
  • Chronic Cough 
  • Excess mucus / phlegm 
  • Sinus Issues 
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Sinus Issues
  • Chest Pain 
  • Skin issues like eczema, acne, rashes, and dermatitis of all types Neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and dementia
  • Reduced mental clarity
  • Cardiovascular damage caused by acidic plaques – increased risk of heart attack and stroke
  • Allergies 
  • Immune deficiency
  • Neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and dementia
  • Stomach issues including bloating, indigestion, acid reflex and excess gas
  • Candida and yeast infections
  • Weight gain and/or obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Bladder and kidney infections
  • Sciatica and stiff neck
  • Cavities and sensitive gums
  • Joint pain and aching muscles

So why doesn’t the body just adjust it’s own pH?
Well, it does. But it does so at a price. All of the tissues and fluids of the body are alkaline, except for the stomach. If the body becomes too acidic, different tissues will take alkaline-forming elements from other areas of the body (like digestive enzymes of the small intestine, or our bones) – and then creates a less-than-optimal environment for these areas where the alkaline forming elements were taken. So even though the body can adjust pH on its own, it does so at a price to other systems in the body.
So how do you exactly go about alkalizing the body?
Change your diet plan, and modify your lifestyle a bit – your body literally depends on you to do these things to survive.
Here are some things you can do to decrease your acidity:
1. Drink a lot of filtered water daily (spring water is the best). This will help flush toxic materials from the body at a faster rate.
2. Remove acidic foods such as those mentioned above. You don’t have to remove all of them, but reducing them to a minimum or a couple times a week until you can go without them completely is a good vantage point. If you didn’t catch it, foods like soda, popcorn, dairy, pastries, alcohol, coffee, white vinegar, sweeteners, meat, wheat products, eggs, fish, soy and seafood are higher acid-forming.
3. Consume more greens – greens are incredibly alkalizing. Green smoothies, green juices, salads, anything!
4. Your emotions also affects the pH of your body. Anger, fear, resentment and jealousy produce acidity of the body fluids. Engaging in meditation or yoga will help you de-stress.
5. Avoid GMO foods.
6. Up your intake of alkaline-forming foods – vegetables and fruit are the best, with second best being nuts, seeds, beans and legumes.
7. Drinking lemon water can help regulate acid levels, too!
Make an effort to take care of yourself and your body. You’ll appreciate your efforts, and will begin to feel more energetic and vibrant each and every day!

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