Natural Home Remedies for Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are painful, open sores, white in color and surrounded by an inflamed red border. Unluckily a lot of people suffer from this common and irritating health problem. Mouth ulcers often appear on the inside of the cheeks, lips, under the tongue and on the floor of the mouth
There may be many reasons for the occurrence of the ulcers but some of the types of ulcers are:

Minor ulcers:
These are the most common type of mouth ulcers (aphthous stomatitis) and occur in 80{a13417a3e1657ed105063b09e27c39385615c60b7034d2626f000e9c2ed70e3e} of the cases. The healing time for minor ulcers is usually 7 – 10 days.
Major ulcers:
These types of mouth ulcers occur in 10{a13417a3e1657ed105063b09e27c39385615c60b7034d2626f000e9c2ed70e3e} of the cases of aphthous stomatitis. These are known as major aphthous ulceration. Usually this kind merges with adjacent ulcers and forms a larger ulcer. They are often very painful.
Herpetiform ulcers:
These types of mouth ulcers are also extremely painful and is formed as a result of an infection with herpes simplex. In this type you notice frequent recurrence of lesions more than minor or major aphthous ulcers.  In this case, they frequently reoccur, and women are more prone to them. They often come in clusters of 100 smaller, painful ulcers.
These are the most common causes of mouth ulceration:
  • Stress
  • Herpes simplex infections in particular
  • Food allergies
  • Skin disease
  • Unhygienic dental conditions
  • Deficiencies in nutrition’s such as vitamin B12, Vitamin C and iron
  • Accidental bites in the mouth and the cheek
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Some diseases in the bowels
  • Underlying disease conditions
Home remedies for mouth ulcers:
Below are some of the natural and simple home remedies for the treatment of canker sores or burning ulcers.
Coconut milk is an excellent medicine for mouth ulcers. Extract milk by grating fresh coconut. Now gargle with this coconut milk for about three to four times a day.
Boil coriander leaves in water, allow the water to cool, and gargle lukewarm water 3-4 times daily.
Gargle with one glass of cold /chilled water and one glass of lukewarm water alternatively. This procedure will cure the mouth ulcers effectively.
Take one cup of fenugreek leaves and boil them in two cups of water. Strain the water and keep it aside for some time by covering it with a lid. Gargle this water two to three times every day.
Boil one cup of water and add one teaspoon of coriander seeds in it. After it becomes warn remove it and gargle when the water is slightly warm. Repeat this process 3 to 4 times every day.



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