Health Benefits and Uses of Calamansi JuiceThat You Should Know

Calamansi is a fruit grown all over Southeast Asia. It is a small citrus fruit that appears like a lemon and lime. It is cultivated for its edible but incredibly sour fruit.  In other Asian countries like Singapore, and Philippines calamansi is often used as a condiment mixed with dipping sauces.
Calamansi is loaded with vitamin C.But the benefits of calamansi is not only limited to improve kitchen recipes but also for personal use as treatment for certain diseases. In today’s post, here are some health benefits and practical uses of calamansi juice.
Prevents Tooth Decay
Drinking calamansi juice also prevents oral problems. The vitamin C found in calamansi juice eliminates plaque and removes teeth stains and also prevents tooth decay, gingivitis, bleeding gums or loose teeth
Protects from Common Colds and Flu
This fruit is loaded with essential vitamins and minerals. Drink calamansi juice to prevent common colds and flu! Again, the vitamin C in calamansi ensures a speedy recovery from viral and bacterial infections

Boosts Collagen Production
Calamansi is a popular skin care ingredient because of its many beauty benefits. For one thing, calamansi is packed with ascorbic acid or vitamin C. This nutrient strengthens the immune system and increases collagen production in the body. That’s why calamansi juice is taken as a beauty tonic. When applied topically, calamansi extract also evens out the skin tone and refines the skin!
Aids in Weight Loss
Taking calamansi juice every day well help you to reduce weight. Regular using of calamansi juice purifies the organs and detoxes the colon. It prevents constipation, improve bowel movement and eliminate stored fat. It’s also a filling drink. We recommend drinking calamansi juice before a meal so you don’t overeat!
Skin Bleaching Agent
Calamansi is effective natural bleaching agent. Apply the pure extract on the affected area in your skin and also it can be used on the face without causing irritation. Apply the extracts twice per week and you’re bound to see results in as little as two weeks.
Banishes Body Odor
Calamansi inhibits profuse perspiration. It contains powerful anti-bacterial compounds too. Bacteria mixed with sweat causes body odor. Squeeze a couple of calamansi fruits to your bathing water to banish body odor. The other is to rub halved calamansi directly on the area Even better, rubbing calamansi extracts on the pits will whiten the area as well. Even if your body sweats you don’t smell.
Eliminates Dandruff
Rub the halved calamansi into the scalp gently to eliminate flakes and persistent itchiness. This will ease the itchiness, irritation and prevent dryness. What’s more, calamansi juice will also increase hair volume!

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