Here’s What Happens To Your Body After You Drink 1 Cup Of Coffee

Here’s a breakdown of what happens to your body from 10 minute to 6 hours after drinking 1 cup of coffee.
First 10 Minutes:
The caffeine within the coffee starts to enter your bloodstream. Your heart rate and blood pressure begins to rise.
After 20 Minutes:
You start to feel more alert and focused. You find it easier to make informed decisions and solve- problems. Additionally, the caffeine is able to help you feel less tired by connecting to your brain adenosine receptors.
When adenosine is “received by your adenosine receptors you become less active and more sleepy. 
However, with caffeine connects, adenosine cannot enter making you therefore less sleepy!

30 Minutes:
Your body begins to produce more adrenaline. This leads to “sharper vision” essentially because it makes your pupils dilate a little!
40 Minutes:
The level of serotonin begins to increase in your body. This improves the functioning of the motor neurons, which in turn boosts the muscle strength!
After 4 Hours:
Coffee has the ability to increase the rate at which your cells release energy! When this happens, your body begins to breakdown fats, even if you don’t move. Caffeine also stimulates and increase the production of stomach acids.
After 6 hours:
After six hours caffeine begins to have a diuretic effect. Aside from water, your body also loses some essential vitamins and minerals. In some individuals this can lead to slight disorders of calcium metabolism.
Source: brightside

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