Here’s How To Make Moringa (Malunggay) Tea Powder At Home That Can Make Incredible For Your Health

Moringa oleifera (Malunggay), also known as horseradish tree, ben tree, or drumstick tree, is a small tree from India but has been planted around the world. It is one of the most powerful health-enhancing plants.
Moringa leaf is best known as an excellent source of nutrition and natural energy booster. It helps lower blood pressure and is a sleep aid.
Here’s how to make a moringa tea:
1. Gather a handful of fresh moringa leaves. 
2. Washed thoroughly under running water. 
3. Fill a large container with clean water, grab all of their fresh moringa leaves by the stem, dunk them in the water-filled  container all at once, and swish them around. Once you feel that the moringa leaves are clean enough, shake off excess water.
4. Allow fresh moringa leaves to dry. Gather some rubber bands and tie together fresh moringa leaves into several groups. 

5. Choose a spot in your kitchen that is clean and dry. Leave the fresh moringa leaves hanging in there for several days.
6. Collect dried moringa leaves. Once leaves are completely dry, it’s time to collect them. Thengrab a clean plastic bag, shove a bunch of dried moringa leaves in it, secure the opening of the plastic bag, and shake and squeeze the plastic bag. Repeat for the rest of the bunch.
7. Transfer the leaves to a clean bowl. Remove some of the stems that have broken off. 
8. Pulverize those dried moringa leaves. Using your coffee grinder or food processor, turn the dried moringa leaves into fine powder. 
9. Transfer to a clean container with a cover. Make sure that you stash your homemade moringa tea powder in a cool and dry place for longevity!
Source: Wellnessbin

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