Stress is one of the leading causes of all health complications.  It is quite dangerous, particularly when manifested by some unclear symptoms that make it really hard to detect. However, it is imperative that you find a way to relax as it’s the first step in the prevention of various health complications.
These are the most common signs that you are overstressed:

Major mood swings
Stress can affect your hormone levels, leading to serious mood swings. Actually, stress can lead to anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorders, addictions, and other mental health complications. Therefore, ensure that you talk to someone or do something that will help deal with the stress and avert further complications.
Sleeping issues
Insomnia and restless sleep is another stress related symptom. Both Insomnia and oversleeping are stress induced as oversleeping could mean you are exhausted. 
Such problems can be rectified with a healthy diet, exercise, yoga and meditation. However you need to locate the root cause of your problem where psychotherapy will help a lot. Restless sleep, nightmares, or incessant worrying at night all impede your state of mind which can also be reflected in the way you dream. Sleep is the first problem you face when stressed.
Hair loss
“Typically, people shed about 100 hairs a day. Most people don’t even notice. Sometimes, a significant stress of sort may spark a change in your body’s routine physiological functions, and cause a disproportionate number of hairs to go into the resting phase at the same time. 
Then three to four months later, sometimes longer, all those resting hairs are shed. The effect can be alarming. The types of events that disrupt the normal hair cycle can be caused by the substantial physiological stresses on your body.” 
Says Carolyn Jacob, MD, founder and medical director of Chicago Cosmetic Surgery and Dermatology. And if you can find yourself in this problem, stop and think what’s causing these changes and what affects your emotional balance.
Weight fluctuations
It is widely believed that excessive stress can cause your metabolism to either be quickened or slowed dramatically. Where your metabolism is quicken and you are not eating sufficient amounts of a balanced diet then you are likely to experience weight loss. On the other hand where your metabolism is slowed considerably you are likely to experience weight gain even though you are not eating too much.

Pain in the body
One really bad thing that all people do is they don’t listen the whispers of the body. They don’t pay attention to the little signs until pains starts to scream. And when it comes to stress, under high stress levels, our body will start to break down. 
Stress can be followed by stomach issues, diarrhea, ulcers, tense muscles, chest pains and palpitations. You will get aches all over, arthritis will flare up, and even headaches will be screaming for your attention. The main thing you should remember here is to never ignore the pain in your body and the signs it gives you. Acceptance and awareness, that change is required, is the first step to deal with stress management
Too much thinking
If you’re constantly worried about finances, work, responsibilities, and can’t relax, you should realize that you’re under a huge stress. You have to detach from the problem to solve it.
Worrying only worsens the situation, causing various psychological and physical complications. You need to find some time to enjoy the moment; stop looking at the calendar for the next meeting, or checking your phone. Relax and spend some time with your loved ones.
Weakened libido
The stress affects your libido too, and makes it the last thing you think about. When the stress levels increase, they cause the body to exhaust, leaving it with no energy to bond or create any form of intimacy.
If you notice this, try managing your stress with several relaxation techniques. Open up to your partner, your relationship does not have to suffer the consequences so make it easier on both of you.
Stress steals your patience. You will be unable to talk or tolerate other people. You get irritated easily, and cannot stand the people close to you.
Keep in mind that these people have nothing to do with your problem. If you get angry all the time, than you are dealing with more stress than you can handle. Find what works best for you, and relax.
Inability to sit still.
Overstressed individuals are normally anxious, restless, and uncomfortable with their own mind. In such situation, you should address the issue by facing your fears and thoughts and calm your troubled mind.   Never ignore the problem, lest it becomes worse.

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