7 Yoga Poses To Keep Your Breasts Firm And Fabulous

Try these seven Yoga poses to firm up and tone saggy breasts.
1. Warrior Pose [Veerabhadrasana]

This pose will open your chest as well as your hips and groins, and is a great stress reliever. Keep your legs apart and bend one knee slightly, keeping the foot straight at a 90-degree angle. 
The other leg should be stretched backwards without any bending. Keep your hands stretched and straight. Fix your stare straight ahead. Take a few breaths and repeat with the other leg at least 10 times. Since it opens up your chest, a regular practice of this pose would prevent sagging of the breasts.
2. Triangle Pose [Trikonasana]

This pose is done by putting your feet at least three to four feet apart, depending on the length of your legs. Remember that your feet, ankles, and kneecaps should be in proper alignment. Extend your left foot at 90 degrees outward and right foot at 15 degrees.
Stretch your back, and try to touch your left toes with your right fingers so that both the hands form a straight line. Lift the arches of your feet while rooting down to hold your ankles with your face up. 
Make sure not to bend your knees or backbone. Once your body attains more flexibility, you may place your entire palm flat on the ground and hold it like that for a few minutes longer. This extended lateral stretch helps expand your chest and shoulders and gives you firmer breasts.
3. Cobra Pose [Bhujangasana]

Lie down on your belly and slowly inhale deeply. Try to push your upper torso backwards till you lift your groin, balancing your body on your stretched arms aligned straight with the palms pressed on the ground.
 Your whole body now balances on your legs and hands, which are also duly stretched in the process. Push your head backwards and look up. Slowly exhale while coming down to resume position again. Repeat this exercise many times and slowly increase the duration of each repeat. This intense backbend pose, with the raised hood depicting the style of a cobra, expands your chest and also helps stretch your pectoral muscles.



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