THIS Mom Made Breakfast For Their Children And Kills Them By A Mistake We All Make! Share This With Everyone You Know!

This is a story of a mother from Mexico, Josefina who had two children, Agustin (8) and Maria (6). She did not want her children to eat junk food in school so she decided to prepare homemade breakfast before sending them to school. She made some egg and ham tortillas with fresh orange juice and breakfast was ready to be served.
 The children woke up and she sent them to the bathroom for a bath – she was following her grandmother’s strict rules – you can’t sit on the table to eat before at least washing your hands. Josefina was preparing the table when Maria came down and said: “Mama, Agustin hasn’t come out yet and I need to go to the bathroom.” “Agustin” said Josefina, “quit playing in the bath and come out!” The little boy came out of the bathroom and his sister went inside. Her mother told her to hurry up so she can eat. 
At the same time, Josefina got a text message from her husband, and it took her a while to reply while Maria was in the bathroom. After finishing the text, Josefina called for Maria again. Her husband was still sending texts while Josefina was preparing the table, and she managed to answer all of them. They ate well and were ready for school at 7:45. They arrived on time and Josefina went back home, but not two hours later she received shocking news
Two hours later she received shocking news. She got a text which said that her children are on the way to the hospital. She immediately froze and panicked asking herself what happened? Everything was great a couple of hours before! She called her husband and they rushed to the hospital. 

Doctors told them that Maria and Agustin are in bad condition – they couldn’t control their fever which was probably caused by a bacterium known as salmonella. This type of bacterium is present in many foods, and was now destroying the children’s organs! Josefina was shocked – she couldn’t believe what was now destroying the children’s organs! Josefina was shocked – she couldn’t believe what was happening. She fainted and needed to be sedated, while her husband was praying to God for his family.
After some examinations, the doctors concluded that the bacterium was in the breakfast Josefina prepared that morning. After talking to the doctors, they discovered that Josefina used her phone during the serving, which was probably the culprit. Our phones are coated in thousands of bacteria which can end up on our food and have fatal consequences!
This broke her soul – seeing your own children in such a bad condition is something no parent should experience. She was sitting near their bed and begging for forgiveness over again. At that moment, Maria’s hand opened and Josefina heard the flatline sound on the machine. Not a minute after, Agustin died as well. Josefina was crying and reaching out for her children, but they were gone. The doctors did anything they could, but they couldn’t save the children.
Now, Josefina is using her experience to warn everyone in the world – never use the phone while you’re preparing food. This can lead to infections that may have fatal consequences, as she learned not a long time ago.

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