Amazing Home Remedy For Skin Tightening Masks

Its inevitable that as we grow older, our skin’s natural aging process will start to kick in. After a certain age, our skin begins to sag, and large pores, fine lines, crow’s feet, and wrinkles start to appear.  
Aside from changing your diet, another way to address this issue is by using natural skin tightening masks that can help bring back the suppleness and firmness of your skin. 
These skin tightening masks are easy to prepare. Most of the ingredients for these masks can be found in your garden or kitchen.
Here are some organic skin tightening mask recipes that you can follow to help tone and tighten your facial muscles:
Skin Tightening Mask #1: Cucumber and Egg White
*You will one whole egg and one chilled cucumber. Use a peeler to remove the skin of the cucumber and blend it using a food processor. Once it has a paste-like consistency, add one teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and some egg whites. 
Mix all of the ingredients until you have a homogenous mixture. Massage the paste on your face using upward strokes or circular motions to keep the skin from sagging. Start from the chin and slowly work your way up to the cheeks to give your plump skin the “lift” that it needs.
 Leave the cucumber and egg white mask on your face for twenty minutes or until it’s dry. Rinse it off with cold water. This cucumber and egg white mask will help tighten and tone the sagging skin.
Skin Tightening Mask #2: Egg and Aloe Vera
 *Create an aloe vera and egg face mask to fight the signs of skin aging. Squeeze an aloe vera leaf to get the gel and blend it with some egg white until it becomes fluffy and forms a smooth paste. Use a soft clean brush or the tip of your fingers to apply the skin tightening mask on your face.
 Make sure you use upward strokes or circular motions to keep the skin from sagging. It’s best if you start from the chin and work your way up to the cheek, lifting the skin as you go. 
Leave the face pack on your face for a few minutes. Once it tightens, soak a clean cotton ball in cold water and use it to remove the mask. This egg and aloe vera mask will get rid of the fine lines, freckles, crow’s feet, and wrinkles on your face. It will also restore your skin’s elasticity and firmness.

Skin Tightening Mask #3: Honey and Blueberry
*Blueberries do an excellent job at restoring your skin’s natural glow while getting rid of wrinkles, crow’s feet, and fine lines. Get a couple of blueberries and blend them using a food processor. You can do it manually if you want.
 Get some raw organic honey and apply it all over your face. Start from the chin and work your way up, using upward strokes or circular motions as you go. Now that your face is covered with honey, apply the blueberry paste. Wash your face with cold water after a few minutes.  
Both ingredients contain antioxidants that tighten your skin and restore its youthful glow. It also lessens the appearance of lip lines and it gives you an instant facelift.
Skin Tightening Mask #4: Banana and Cream
*The banana face mask can treat different types of skin condition. You can make this skin tightening mask by blending banana and whipped cream. Mix the two ingredients thoroughly and add a vitamin E capsule before applying the mask on your face.
 Leave it on for a couple of minutes and rinse it with cold water once it’s dry. Pat your skin dry with a soft towel. This banana and cream facial mask will rejuvenate and tighten your skin.
Skin Tightening Mask #5: Rice Flour and Papaya
*Papain, an ingredient found in papaya, tightens sagging and loose skin. The three main ingredients of this skin tightening mask are: raw honey, rice flour, and ripe papaya. To start working on the mask, you need to mash one ripe papaya in a clean bowl.
Then, add a tablespoon of rice flour and mix the two ingredients until it forms a smooth paste. Then, put in three tablespoons of raw honey and stir thoroughly. Use the tip of your fingers to apply this mask on your face. Start from the chin and slowly work your way up to you both cheeks using upward strokes or circular motions to keep the skin from sagging. Leave the rice flour and papaya mask on your face for twenty minutes before washing it off with cold water.
Source: 1mhealthtips

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