If you knew that with a massage you can get rid of many problems that woman have, will you try it? Massages can help us relax and calm the pain. This massaged is simple, and will help you with some problems and here you can learn how to do this massage.
Put four fingers above your ankle, on the inner side of your leg, as shown in the picture. Massage this area for about 10 minutes. You can massage both of your legs.
Purpose of circulatory massage in the legs
- Regulate your menstrual cycle
- Reduce the retention of fluids and eliminate toxins
- Activate the blood supply
- Act on your hormones and female reproductive organs
- Help you with bloating and digestive problems
- Encourage your sexual desire
- Improves the feeling of heaviness of the legs
Toxins and fluid accumulation is drained by this simple and effective massage, recommended to perform two days per week. Don’t forget to try it.
Source: bright-box