Did You Know This About Yourself? The Part Of The Body Which You Wash First When You Shower Tells What Kind Of Person You Are!

Every person has a routine when taking a shower. And what can say a lot about you is the part that you start washing first while taking a shower.
1. Face
People who start washing their face means that money is very important for them and they are prepared to ‘sweat it up’ in order to get it. You love having people around you from who you can benefit and sometimes you think that life is mundane.
 At times, other people have a problem understanding you, but this doesn’t concern you. You live in your own world and this is why people find you a bit egocentric. Your imagination is vivid and you have a lot of wishes. You’re a bit dependent on your partner, therefore, try to take over the initiative and give more of yourself in the relationship.
Try to be a bit softer and more approachable with others. You can try meditation and volunteering. The ones that choose privates and others body parts are the best partners for you.

2. Hair 
Most of the people start with first washing their hair. And if you are one of those people then you enjoy dreaming. You are lacking persistence and dedication to your goals in life, although you are always prepared to work to achieve your desires and wishes. Money is not of a big importance to you and you hang out with intellectuals or fellow artists.
You want to experience new things and you are always ready to please your partner. Your main strength is your talent. You enjoy spending time in nature. The best partners for you are the ones that wash their chest first.

3. Shoulders 
People who wash their shoulders first, they are very responsible and put everything they got while trying to achieve something. You spent too much time alone because that way you are recharging your batteries. Friends are really important for you. Money is not important to you and when it comes to love you are faithful and stabile. You enjoy trying different relaxation methods. The best partners for you are the ones that wash their armpits first.
4. Chest 
People who wash their chest first are practical and convenience is of a big importance for you. You are impatient with people who do not see the things your way and you get distracted when you are trying to concentrate you get nervous. You want to try new things in bed with your partner and that is making you good sex partner. The best partners for you will be the ones that choose the hair.
5. Underarms
People who wash their underarm first are reliable and attentive. You are popular and you want to help others. You are very talented person but you are naïve and you trust everyone. That means that you are spending too little time for yourself. So in order to increase your spiritual strength you should find more time for yourself. The best partners for you are the ones who choose shoulders.
6. Private parts
If the private part is what you wash first, it means you are shy person and that you might lack self-confidence. That is why you might get bullied by others. On the first look you seem like a boring and unattractive person but when people get to know you, that is not true.
This means that you do not have many friends. You give up easily even after the first opportunity. You are above average sex partner. Your true emotions are seen only by a few people. The best partners for you are the ones that choose face and hair.
7. Others 
People who start washing other body parts first, indicates that they have good characteristics but some might not recognize them. You have a good soul and you have only a few flaws. You should start showing your potentials to others more often.
If you start with expressing your own qualities you will improve the relation with others. You have passionate and intuitive imagination. You are not relaxed most of the time because you are always afraid of failure. The best partners for you are the ones that choose the face.

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