9 Signs Which Indicate That Your Vagina Is Unhealthy! Here Is What You Can Do About It!

Every woman should be concern about the health of their vagina. A healthy vagina is actually acidic and has big amounts of good bacteria which prevent infections and maintain a normal pH level.
Moderate discharge is also normal because it keeps a vagina healthy, just as saliva is secreted to protect oral health. In case any of these typical conditions is interrupted, you are at a risk of vaginal infection.
In order to know that you have some vaginal infections, we will present you some signs and symptoms which you need to know.
Warning signs and symptoms of unhealthy vagina:
  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Painful Urination
  • Smell
  • Great amounts of discharge
  • Red, inflamed, and painful mucous membrane
  • Burning sensation and itching in the vagina and the vulva
  • Vaginal Atrophy 
  • Occurrence of lesions
  • Bleeding during or after sexual intercourse
In order to maintain your vagina healthy, just follow these directions:

Avoid fast food 
Eliminate unhealthy food such as sugars, carbohydrates and Coca Cola since these ingredients can cause infections.
If you want to maintain your vaginal health, turn towards healthy diet.
The appropriate, healthy diet accompanied by great amounts of fluids is necessary for maintaining the vaginal health. You can consume yogurt and cranberry juice in order to treat vaginal health issues.

Practice safe sex so that you avoid bacteria
Safe sex and using condoms protects you from STDs, some of which are incurable. Oral to vaginal or anal to vaginal sex requires a new condom to stop transferring bacteria into the vagina.
Protect the pH balance of your vagina without washing.
Douching is harmful to the vagina. It reduces the acidity and in that way interferes with the pH values of the vagina and makes it vulnerable to infections. The normal pH levels are between 3.8 and 4.5. If your vagina has got a strong smell, visit a doctor, because douching will just mask the smell and won’t resolve the problem.
Avoid taking antibiotics
Try not to take any antibiotics if possible. They can have a chain response which leads to yeast infections. If you must take them, consume kefir, yogurt and fermented foods in general to soothe the yeast.
Visit your gynecologist as a preventative measure
Women should definitely visit gynecologist on a regular basis in order to maintain the health of their vagina in the best state possible.
Be careful when using soap
It is really important that you use a soap that does not make the skin dry. The experts recommend that you use some soap that contains olive oil.
Quit smoking
Try to avoid or even quit smoking if you can, because nicotine, tar and the cigarette smoke can negatively affect the bacteria that can trigger the bad smell and slog the pores on the pubic area. Treat the infections as soon as they appear
The treatment of this condition is very important.
Carefully choose your clothes and make sure your skin remains dry
The vaginal skin is highly sensitive. You have to wear natural fabrics only, especially in the areas where your skin is sensitive. Make sure your underwear is made of either 100 percent cotton or silk.
Synthetic fabrics usually contain allergens and chemicals that can irritate your sensitive skin

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