5 Symptoms Every Woman Should Know About Perimenopause

Before reaching menopause, women go through a transitional period called perimenopause, where the body’s beguine’s to drop of the productions of the hormones estrogen and progesterone.
These leads to shorten menstrual period that can last anywhere from two to five years, and if the women has gone 12 months without a period then she is consider fully menopause. National institution of aging claimed that average age where women go in menopause is 51, but small number of women starts reaching menopause in late 30.
5 Symptoms Showing That You Are In Perimenopause:

Irregular cycle: 
Expert says that the first symptoms the woman is attending to enter in menopause is the changes in that women’s cycle. The estrogen level in the body fluctuates and causes irregular menstrual cycle, so the woman is facing with fluctuating lengths of time in between periods or missing some periods entirely.
Suffering hot flashes: 
Approximately 50 percent of women in perimenopause suffer from hot flashes, which can be easy going or intensive swathing. The experts believed that the decrease of estrogen in the body plays the role of these hot flashes. Avoiding caffeine, spicy foods, and alcohol may help make hot flashes less severe.

Heavy bleeding: 
For this symptom we can blame it the progesterone and its decreasing level. In these stage ovulation is more unpredictable and the endometrium grows chunky, which is not a case in a normal menstrual period, causing heavy bleeding. If you have this symptom you can ask your doctor to prescribe low dose hormones.
Vaginal dryness: 
Another side effect that is not welcome is vaginal dryness. Decreased levels of the hormone can cause vaginal tissue to lose its elasticity and natural lubrication, which can lead to pain during intercourse. To easier this discomfort you can use vaginal lubricant and moisturizers.
Mood changes: 
Mood changes is one of the most common symptom of perimenopause, which can lead to irritability and anger. Nearly 40{a13417a3e1657ed105063b09e27c39385615c60b7034d2626f000e9c2ed70e3e} of the women have mood swings related with the change of the hormones.
Symptoms can also differ from person to person and that is why it is difficult doctors to recognize. There are few common sings that can tell if the woman is in perimenopause, and if you are expiring some of these you need to talk to your doctor.

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