Here’s How To Treat Cracked Feet And How They Can Be Prevented

Cracked feet are a sign of lack of attention towards your body and one of the worst nightmares for most women. It is a sign of lack of proper foot care. 
The skin on our feet is usually dry as there are no oil glands in the skin. Over exposure, lack of moisturizing and medical condition cause dry feet and cracked feet.
Here are the common causes of cracked feet and how they can be prevented:
-Walking around barefoot is a major cause of cracked feet.
– Blood circulation problem, this could be another reason to this disorder. When there’s too much pressure on a certain part of our body it cuts the blood circulation to that part of the body. 
– Standing too long is also a known cause. If you happen to have a job that requires you to be standing for the most part of your shift. There’s a great chance that you might suffer from cracked feet, or any other feet related problem.
-When your feet is cracked, your body is basically sending you signals that you’re lacking some vitamins and some action should be taken towards it.
– Low humidity climates cause our skin to crack, it may be our lips and sometimes it is also our feet.
– Wearing the wrong footwear has been seen to be the reason for a lot of problems in regards to the feet. Shoes with an open back can give you cracked feet. 
– There are also medical conditions that could cause cracked feet. If you are experiencing problems with your kidneys, or thyroid, then you might also have this disorder. Another reason could be genetics some of us are born with it.

How To Treat Cracked Feet
– Water can be used for a lot of things, and curing cracked feet is one of them. This is because cracked feet can also be caused from dehydration. Keeping yourself generally hydrated can help reduce the effects of cracked feet.
– As mentioned earlier, wearing the wrong footwear is a major cause to this disorder, so changing your wardrobe might also help you.
– If you would want to go to the hospital to get an immediate treatment, podiatric treatment is the way to go. It is also the quickest method. If your feet are cracked to the point that you are already experiencing pain, then they can prescribe you with a rigid sports tape, which will enable you to strap the cracks together to prevent discomfort.
– Using lemon juice is one of the most effective home remedies for cracked foot. Soaking your feet in lemon juice on a weekly basis will allow the natural acids in the juice to help dissolve the dead and dry skin. Allowing it to fall off easily without any discomfort.
– Since cracked foot is caused by general dryness of the skin, then daily moisturizing and cleaning is advised. In this case consistency is key. You probably will not see the immediate effect, but once you keep it moisturized for weeks, you’ll notice that your skin starts to become smoother and fresher.
Source: Wellnessbin

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