A Story of 28 Year Old Mom Died Due To Uterus Cancer – These Are The Symptoms She Ignored

Amanda Booth a young mother of three children, died of cervical cancer at age of 28 because she ignored all the signs and was afraid of doing a smear test. This test can diagnose uterus cancer even in its early stages.
She was afraid to do the regular gynecological exams and therefore she couldn`t recognize the early symptoms of the cancer.
Amanda was diagnosed with cancer after severe bleeding from her vagina.
Unluckily, the cancer was in the last stage and she refused chemotherapy and radiation because it was already too late.

Therefore, you should never skip your annual gynecological exams.
If you notice some of the following symptoms – visit a doctor immediately.
These are some of the most common symptoms that she also had:
  • Vaginal discharge with bad smell
  • Vaginal pain during sexual intercourse
  • Bleeding between menstrual periods
  • Pain in the lower belly, pelvis or during urination

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