Why You Should Never Wash Raw Chicken Before Cooking It.

Everybody knows that raw chicken is full of harmful bacteria like salmonella and listeria. It seems totally logical, then, that the first thing you’d do is wash it before cooking.
Why, then, are health experts imploring us to stop doing just that?
The answer might surprise you. It sure shocked me!
How Washing Raw Chicken Could Kill You
According to a research by the Drexel University, when you wash raw chicken you actually spread all of its harmful bacteria around the meat and whatever surface it’s on.
About washing, Jennifer Quinlan head of the Drexel study says, “It does not get rid of the bacteria, it does not kill the bacteria. Nonetheless, there is a possibility that it will spray that bacteria.”
This process, Quinlan says, is called aerosolization. It leaves your kitchen looking sorta like this – except, y’know, less cartoonish.
All that green stuff is the bacteria that goes flying when you wash raw chicken.
Keep in mind, bacteria like listeria lives on chicken in abundance and can actually kill you. Seriously, if listeria gets into your bloodstream you have a 1 in 5 chance of dying. Children, with their weaker immune systems, are at an even greater risk.
Look at that – we’ve only spoken about one of the dozens of bacterial species that hang out on chicken and we’ve already mentioned death.

Even if you survive a raw chicken bacterial infection, you don’t get off easy. You could catch campylobacter – another ‘fun’ germ that lives on raw chicken. Campylobacter is the major reasons of food poisoning and can cause symptoms like:
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea 
  • Dehydration
Salmonella – which Dr. Quinlan says you should basically just assume is on your raw chicken – can cause these symptoms:
  • Abdominal cramps 
  • -Diarrhea 
  • Severe dehydration (which can result in hospitalization for children or the elderly)
  • Reactive arthritis
Who would’ve thought that washing raw chicken could be so serious?
How To Properly Handle Bacteria On Raw Chicken
Based on Dr. Quinlan’s study – which was funded by the USDA – you’re much better off not washing your chicken at all. Instead, just cook it to a minimum internal temperature of 165º F. This will kill any bacteria you’ve got to worry about.
Of course, you still need to be careful about the surfaces that come into contact with the raw chicken. Clean those areas regularly and keep the meat away from other foods.
Source: davidwolfe

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