One Exercise, 4 minutes, 28 days – A New Body

Everyone wants to have a beautiful body, but the problem is many people are too lazy to go to the gym.
Probably you have already read about this method “Plank challenge”. 
People who trusted this method have tried it and made their body stronger with a fully defined abdomen. Planks will melt down the fat from the stomach, strait the inner and outer muscles of your body’s back and upper part, the buttock muscles, legs and hands. 
Plank challenge is designed to last only four weeks. The levels of difficulty enhance gradually with the sequence of training days. On the first day the exercise lasts only 20 seconds. You will progress every day and end with achieving four minutes without interruption. When you get to the final phase, your muscle strength will be increased and the body will be more resistant.
Upright position is important for doing this exercise properly. Get into the position for a plank and support your body on your hands, arms and toes on the ground. Raise the upper body and stay in a straight line. Now you can start.
The ideal time for doing this exercise is in the morning.
Reminder: People with serious health problems. Also, people with hypertensive heart disease should not practice it.
This must be completed in 28 days and you should perform the exercise every day:

Day 1 – 20 seconds
Day 2 – 20 seconds
Day 3 – 30 seconds
Day 4 – 30 seconds
Day 5 – 40 seconds
Day 6 – Rest
Day 7 – 45 seconds
Day 8 – 45 seconds
Day 9 – 60 seconds
Day 10 – 60 seconds
Day 11 – 60 seconds
Day 12 – 90 seconds
Day 13 – rest
Day 14 – 90 seconds
Day 15 – 90 seconds
Day 16 – 120/2
Day 17 – 120/2
Day 18 – 150 seconds
Day 19 – rest
Day 20 – 150 seconds
Day 21 – 150 seconds
Day 22 – 180 seconds
Day 23 – 180 seconds
Day 24 – 210/2
Day 25 – rest
Day 26 – 210/2
Day 27 – 240 seconds
Day 28 – more than 240 seconds and keep the position as much as possible.

Source: myilifestyle

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