Home Remedies to Get Rid of Unpleasant Female Odor!

Every woman has smelled the unpleasant odor that occurs when the vaginal region has not been cleaned in some time or has a fungus/virus. 
If you feel  your vagina has a strong odor, such as a fishy smell or an unpleasant smell, it could be a symptom of another health issue or problem. The odor may be accompanied by other symptoms like itching, burning, irritation, or vaginal discharge.
Here is a characteristic cure that can help keep your genitals spotless and solid, without the reactions of soap
Lemon and its leaves contain a compound called limonene that make it an extremely strong anti-infection, antimicrobial and a hostile to hypersensitive specialists that is particularly successful against an organism that causes a condition called thrush or candidiasis. 

This wash is additionally extremely viable in treating conditions like vaginitis, tingling, foul smell and leucorrhea. It additionally aides to keep up the pH of the vagina and keeps it sound and clean.
How to Use it:
Pluck around 10 delicate lemon leaves and wash them well. Them smash them and add them to one glass of water. Heat up the blend until the water changes shading to a greenish tone. 
Presently cool and strain this decoction. Utilize this to wash your reproductive organs. Try not to utilize cleanser you can flush off the solution with ordinary water if you feel uncomfortable.
This is just a home cure and you can talk to your doctor if you have infection or health issue.

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