5 Simple Exercises To Tighten Loose Skin on the Upper Arm

The loose skin on the upper arms is a common cosmetic problem for both men and women. The skin normally sags because there is physical inactivity or because of aging. You could tighten the skin with the help of regular exercises focused on your triceps muscle.
When the triceps form,, you will see that the sagging skin starts aligning with your arm muscles. Its appearance will start reducing. Here are 5 exercises that will help in tightening the flabby arm skin:
1. Push Ups Exercises

Follow these steps for this exercise:
  • Get into push-up position on your toes (align your body with your head and your hands should be under your shoulders)
  • Bend your elbows and lower your body close to the floor
  • Bend your elbows backwards so that they are 90 degrees at bottom position
Make sure that your body remains straight. Once pressed back, the arms must be fully extended.
2. Triceps Dips

Follow these steps for this exercise:
  • Glide off the butt of the bench front and stretch out your legs in front
  • Make sure to keep your arms straight
  • Keep your arms straight
  • Hold the bench with your hands while keeping them at shoulder width distance
  • Lower your body, bending your elbows to bring them to 90 degree angle (the back should be kept close to the bench)
  • Once your body comes in contact with the floor, make your arms straight and return to the starting position
This will complete a single repetition.
Make sure that your shoulders remain down all the time. Initially, some people may find this exercise to be slightly difficult. In that case you can make it slightly easier by bending your legs.
3. Bent Over Barbell Row

Follow these steps for this exercise:
  • Slightly bend your knees
  • Face the palms down and grab hold a barbell
  • Bend your waist so that your body leans forwards (the back must be kept straight)
  • Make your head is up and your back is kept horizontal to the ground
  • The arms must be kept at 90 degrees with the floor
  • Your body and barbell must hang in front
  • Keep your body static and breathe out
  • Lift the barbell and maintain its weight with your forearms
  • Now squeeze the muscles of your back on top to enter contracted position
  • Maintain this for several seconds
  • Now breathe in and bring down the barbell at a gradual pace to return to the starting position



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