According to Psychotherapists and mystic Ellen Goldberg your love and marriage can be predicted using palmistry. Goldberg, known as the Wise-Woman Therapist, explains that two lines reveal information about one’s marriage and love. 
The first line can be found on the Mount of Venus and is located at the base of the hand below the thumb. While, the second one is called “lines of affection”, or the heart line which can be located on the Mount of Mercury under the pinkie.
If your line is very long, then you are very lucky. It actually means that there is one, true, and deep love of all life. One can use the line of influence near the Mount of Venus to determine when one can expect love and affection, and even marriage.
 First, you will need to identify the line of life between the index finger and the thumb that continues down toward the wrist. One should draw an invisible line from the love line to the line of love, and think where the love line begins and ends in relation to the life line.

If the line starts close to the thumb, this can show affection earlier in life from family and friends, but not necessarily a romantic love. Ellen advises one to look at how close the love and life lines are to each other, meaning that the closer, the more intimate the relationship. 
Palmistry is also used to determine a person’s love style. Thus, the large Mount of Venus can show that one person who is giving and receiving easily, while in comparison, the flat hand will show difficulty in expressing love. If the Mount of Venus is fleshy and firm, then it indicates a love of pleasure and strong sexual nature. Flabby Mount of Venus, then shows a low level of sexual vitality.
Goldberg advises people if they have feelings for one of those tall, slender, and serious types, then they need to tell them without waiting as those people are shy.
When reading a palm, don’t forget to consult both hands. The active or dominant hand will reveal the direction of the life taken, and the passive or recessive hand indicates character traits, personality, and destiny.
On a right-handed person, the right hand will show whose heart is having an influence upon, and the left one is revealing who impresses your heart. Holding the palms together while the lines match, then you and your partner influence on another equally.

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