Warning: If You Notice a Dark Ring Around Your Neck, Go See your Doctor Immediately!

Obesity rates have been climbing over the last decade. In fact, new studies show that many young people, children and teenagers being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes don’t even know it.
This was what 14-year-old Pantera Mayhill learned when she began to notice sudden changes in her health:
She was thirsty all the time.
She suffered from headaches and mood swings.
And she had a dark-colored ring around her neck.

Alyne Ricker, MD, pediatric endocrinologist at Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, said that “when your body starts pumping out too much insulin—which is common with type 2—receptors in the skin folds respond by making extra pigment.”
This dark ring around the neck known as “acanthosis nigricans” — can also be found under the arms, between the legs, between fingers and toes, or on elbows and knees.
Doctors say that if you see this ring, it means your insulin is not working properly. And if you’re insulin isn’t working smoothly, then you have higher chances of developing type 2 diabetes, a lifelong condition that affects the way your body metabolizes sugar.
To prevent an occurrence of type 2 diabetes, the children have to do regular exercises and do have a healthy diet.
Source: themagicoflife 

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