Cancer Is Entirely A Man-Made Disease, Your Lifestyle Causes Cancer Not Your Genetics

According to a latest published study in Nature, it is believed that diet, drinking, smoking, excessive sun and exposure to toxic chemicals cause cancer.
This would mean, we are able to reduce our risks of developing cancer by changing our lifestyle and establishing healthier habits.
While the FDA continues to search for a cure, there are many natural cures and treatments for cancer.
Hemp oil: is made from the flowering buds of the marijuana plant. Making hemp oil is very easy and there are several videos on You Tube showing you how to make your own. This potent and effective cancer treatment has cured thousands. No clinical study had been done because no one can patent it. Without a patent, pharmaceutical companies cannot recoup the millions of dollars required to do the study.
MMS (Master Mineral Solution): was discovered by an engineer, Jim Humble. He initially used it to cure malaria in the jungles of South America. Jim explains that MMS will cure 95{bf1db9e94a8334375210e770483f48898980192a45cfa146638fb967889224e3} of all cancers. It has 100,000 documented cures of malaria and 800 documented cures of AIDS. MMS is a common inexpensive mineral compound and is a safe cancer treatment.
Gerson Natural Therapy: Dr. Gerson believed cancer would not live in body that had a balanced, properly functioning liver. He found out that he could cure the majority of cancer patients by changing the diet. This meant eating a vegan diet (avoiding meat and dairy), with low salt and drinking freshly juiced fruits and vegetables 10 times every day. Coffee enemas were suggested as part of the treatment for pain relief and detoxification, done 3 to 4 times per day.
There is a Gerson clinic in Mexico. This is one of the best cancer alternative treatments.
Antineoplastins: Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski holds a doctorate in biochemistry and is an MD. This doctor is recognized internationally as a scientist and physician who discovered and developed treatment of cancers with biologically active peptides. He discovered that person who are suffering from were missing these peptides in their urine and blood. People who do not have cancer have these peptides. Since 1967 from his clinic in Houston, Texas, Dr. Burzynski has treated over 50 types of
cancers effectively. The best successes have been with cancers of the ovaries, lungs, colon, prostate, neck and head, breast and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. He has possibly discovered the most successful FDA approved drug therapy for cancer ever and his antineoplastins (which have no toxic side effects) significantly outperform any chemotherapy treatment, making it one of the best cancer alternative treatments.
Pancreatic enzymes: Dr. William Kelley developed a highly effective natural protocol for treating advanced cancers. He did this with pancreatic enzymes and other nutritional substances.
In his second year of med school, Dr. Gonzalez met Dr. Kelley and took five years to research Dr. Kelly’s patient records spanning thousands of patients. After personally interviewing many of these patients, finding them all in good health, Dr. Gonzalez realised something very important was occuring. Today Dr. Gonzalez has refined and improved on Dr. Kelley’s original discoveries giving each patient an individualized diet with supplements and large quantities of enzymes. Coffee enemas, juice fasts and liver flushes are utilized for detoxification.
Dr. Gonzalez graduated from Brown University. He finished his pre-med studies at Columbia University and then went to medial school at Cornell Medical College where he was given the honor of Teagle Scholar. He has received many awards for his excellence in internal medicine and cancer imunology research. He also was recipient of the Ernst L. Wynder Award from the Center for Mind-Body Medicine in 2000.
Salve treatments: a salve made from bloodroot is used as an alternative treatment for skin cancers. Some names for this are Black Salve, Indian Mud and Compound X. Bloodroot salve will draw the tumors from your body out through the skin, healing underneath as the mass falls out.
Energy healing:specially trained practitioners heal by projecting energy known in Chinese medicine as Chi or Qi. They use a sonogram so you can see cancer tumors dissolve before your eyes while the practitioners “work” on patients in a Beijing hospital.
-LifeOne: active herbal ingredients include selenium methionine, green tea extract, quercetin, turmeric, resveratrol, diindolymethane, versicolor, coriolus and chrysin.
LifeOne has had clinical trials with cancer patients in Mexico and Venezuela. Dr. Howenstine says, “LifeOne has been able to cure an extremely wide variety of cancer cell types. Invitro testing has shown it to be effective on 7 out of 7 cancer cell types tested, including two types of breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer and acute Promyelocytic leukemia.”

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