8 Very Clear Signs That A Woman Need To Have Intimacy…! I Would Not Believe # 4

How does a woman’s lack of sexual activity affect her? Beyond the lack of enjoyment, that means, the lack of sex also carries consequences in the organism and daily life. Read on and discover the 8 signs that a woman needs sex.

8. Lack of sleep
The lack of sexual activity influences the sleep deficiency. Love making is a natural sedative due to oxytocin, a hormone that is secreted during female orgasm. A woman without sex can spin around on the bed to sleep for a long time.

7. Looks older
A woman, after a long time without sexual activity, loses her youthful countenance. And it is because of the shortage of collagen that happens during the intimate encounter, which makes the skin smoother and silky.

6. Has More Acne and Flaccidity
The progesterone which is produced during the sexual act removes the acne in the face.
In addition, with sexual contact thighs and breasts are strengthened, leaving aside the flaccidity of these and other parts of the body, due to exercise.

 5.  is less sociable
A girl who has not had relationships for quite some time becomes more reluctant to relationships with other persons. This is due to the lack of endorphins, which affect your perception of the world.

 4. Take more painkillers
The lack of oxytocin and estrogen due to lack of sexual
activity become a woman more likely to consume painkillers. The cause is completely natural: these hormones inhibit pain.

 3. Feeling constantly sick
Lack of sexual activity affects a number of antiviral antibodies by 30{bf1db9e94a8334375210e770483f48898980192a45cfa146638fb967889224e3} and causes the woman to be permanently ill.

2. Becomes more forgetful
Intercourse oxygenates the blood, which then goes to the brain, improving memory and acquiring new knowledge. That’s why a woman who has not had sex for a while usually forgets everything.

1. Has low self-esteem
Although it does not seem, lack of sex affects the woman’s self-esteem, causing her to feel unsatisfied with herself.
Did you imagine that lack of sex could do all this to the body? Sex is very healthy for the life of women and generates many benefits.

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