Amazing Health Benefits Of Papaya Leaves

Papaya leaves contain powerful healing compounds that are very important for great health and vitality. Juicing the papaya leaves is the best way to properly get their health benefits.
According to studies, the phytonutrients in papaya leaves have a powerful antioxidant and immune boosting effect on your blood flow. The positive biological effects of the leaves are due to the papain, alkaloids and phenolic compounds.

Health benefits of papaya leaves juice

*Blood platelet production
Keeping your blood platelet count high is vital after a serious disease. According to the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, papaya leaves juice boosts the blood platelet production significantly.
*Support the liver
The juice can be used as a base for healing liver diseases such as jaundice, liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.
*Prevents diseases
The papaya leaves juice contains acetogenin which can prevent dengue fever, malaria and cancer. It supports the immune system and fights viruses and bacteria in the body.
*Boosts your energy levels
Drinking papaya leaves juice every day will boost your energy levels and help you in cases of chronic fatigue.
*Supports the digestive system
Papaya leaves are rich in papain, chymopapain, protease and amylase enzymes which can break down protein, carbs and improve your digestion. People with digestive problems can benefit from the juice and regulate their digestive system, and this juice can also heal the inflammation of your stomach lining and peptic ulcers by eliminating bacteria.

*Soothes inflammation
Inflammation is most often caused by disease or allergies, but the anti-inflammatory properties of papaya leaves juice can reduce it and prevent further problems.
*Regulates menstruation
Drinking papaya leaves juice can reduce PMS symptoms and regulate your menstruation cycle.
*Protects your cardiovascular health
The powerful antioxidants in the juice will boost your immune system, dilate your vessels and protect your heart health.
*Naturally lowers your blood sugar levels
Papaya leaves juice improves the insulin sensitivity and regulates your blood sugar levels. 

Different Ways In Making Homemade Papaya Juice:

1. Juicing
Put some clean papaya leaves in your juicer and mix well until you extract the juice. Store it in a small bottle in the fridge for up to 4-5 days, and mix it with any regular juice to make it more palatable. You can do the same thing in a blender if you don’t have a juicer. Put 10 papaya leaves and a cup of water in the blender, then strain the mixture through a cheese cloth.
2.Make a tea
Use 10 medium-large papaya leaves per 2 liters of water, then boil them until the water evaporates to the half. Leave the mixture to cool down, then strain it and consume the tea in small doses. Store the tea in the fridge for up to 5 days, but try drinking it as fresh as possible.
3.Consume the leaf extract
Papaya leaves extract come in the shape of capsules, tea leaves and tincture. 

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