50{4ee066c0442b74a23fd67247ac982ce234453d47f4a52749226888951bc8e0dc} of All Colon Cancer Deaths Could Be Avoided If Everyone Did These 10 Natural Things

According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) processed meat is considered a group 1 carcinogen. This is because it is linked with colorectal cancer.
Our colons are very important because they are responsible for storing and eliminating the waste from our body. Fortunately, this type of cancer is preventable, with only 5-10{4ee066c0442b74a23fd67247ac982ce234453d47f4a52749226888951bc8e0dc} of the deaths caused by genetic defects. 35{4ee066c0442b74a23fd67247ac982ce234453d47f4a52749226888951bc8e0dc} of the cases are caused by an unhealthy diet, 30{4ee066c0442b74a23fd67247ac982ce234453d47f4a52749226888951bc8e0dc} are caused by smoking, 20{4ee066c0442b74a23fd67247ac982ce234453d47f4a52749226888951bc8e0dc} are caused by infections and the rest of cases are caused by stress and environmental pollution. 
However, there’s a 50{4ee066c0442b74a23fd67247ac982ce234453d47f4a52749226888951bc8e0dc} chance to prevent the disease. Here are the best ways:
Consume more fruit and vegetables!
Fruit and vegetables are loaded with antioxidants which are able to fight against cancer. They contain things such as magnesium, and are able to lower the risk of colorectal tumors by at least 13 {4ee066c0442b74a23fd67247ac982ce234453d47f4a52749226888951bc8e0dc}! Be sure to eat a good amount of cruciferous vegetables as well as things like flaxseeds and dry plums!
Take proper supplements.
Eating foods that are rich in vitamin D as well as spending time on the sun is a very good thing, however, you might also want to add a vitamin D3 supplement to your daily routine.
Avoid red meats
Red meat is not the problem, yet the way in which we obtain it. Organic grass fed red meat is fine but almost all of the meat that we buy comes from animals that are fed with glyphosate-contaminated grains.
Don’t eat processed meats
Avoid all the meats that are smoked, cured, or salted. They are the most dangerous ones for the health. These meats contain things such as chemicals and preservatives which are known to cause cancer.
Stop smoking and drinking
Smoking and Drinking in excess can cause cancer. You need to avoid these unhealthy habits at all costs.
Exercise as much as you can
You need to be physically active. It can lower your chances by around 40{4ee066c0442b74a23fd67247ac982ce234453d47f4a52749226888951bc8e0dc} when it comes to the development of colorectal cancer.
Eat more onions
They are rich in quercetin, an antioxidant that can fight breast, colon, prostate, ovarian, lung and endometrial cancer.
Avoid fried foods as much as possible
Sleep in the dark
The light sources reduce the production of melatonin in your body, that’s why you need to sleep in dark.
Drink ginseng tea
The root of ginseng is known to decrease the growth of colon cancer cells.
This is very simple. Doing things the healthy doesn’t always has to be hard or complicated. If you cannot do all of these things you can at least take the time to implement a few of them and it might make a huge difference in your life. For more information about preventing colon cancer as well as some more natural prevention methods watch the following video.

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