A good marriage is important for a long and happy life for every person. So it’s very important for both partners to have understanding and patience for each other.
Below you can read about 8 common mistakes that slowly ruin the relationship.
Expecting from your partner to change because of you
We all have flaws and every individual has specific character. You should never expect from your partner to change according to your desires. Even if your partner decides to change “for the sake of love”, it don’t necessarily mean that the change will be according to your imagination. You need to accept your partner on the way she or he is.
Always having to win an argument
People fight a lot in order to prove their points. This is nothing more than the ego trying to dominate. However, it’s far better to present your point of view and come up with a solution to solve the problem. When you don’t do this, you just worsen the issue because it remains unsolved.
Allowing a third person to interfere
This is very common mistake that many young and modern couples make. If third person interferes in your relationship you should be aware that it will make the things   even worse. You simply can never know with certainty if the third person is mature enough to solve the problem between you and your partner. That is your problem and you should solve it together with your partner. There is only one exception: marriage counselling.

Neglecting the emotional and physical needs of the partner
This is very important for you to understand – if you start neglecting the needs of your partner, he/she won’t also feel the need to satisfy your needs, and they will probably look for someone else to fulfill them. This can destroy your relationship.
Disrespecting differences
You must understand that all people are different! So, it’s crucial for you to respect the differences between you and your partner to keep your relationship healthy.
Not accepting fault
Many couples tend to allow their egos overrule and they oppose to accepting fault. However, there’s nothing wrong in saying “sorry”. Learn to accept when you’re in the wrong and offer your sincerest apology, even when the fault isn’t really yours. Never allow the ego to overrule your love. If your partner really loves you, they will also learn to accept their fault.
Lack of communication
Communication is important for every successful relationship. Whether there is a small or some big problem between you and your partner, you should know that many relationships end due to lack of communication.
Differences in opinion
It is important to respect your partner’s opinion. For example, if you want to create a family as soon as possible, and if your partner needs more time to prepare for such big responsibility, you should talk about that and make wise consensus from the both sides. Listen to your partner and talk about all possible options and decide what is best for both of you.

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